Top 3 Cannabis-Friendly Email Marketing Platforms

Cannabis-friendly email marketing platforms

Cannabis businesses can powerfully engage their customers, build their brand, and boost sales through email marketing. Yet, the challenge lies in finding the right platform that meets the industry’s unique needs and regulations.

In this article, we will guide you through the top three email marketing platforms made for the cannabis industry: MailerLite, Klaviyo, and Alpine IQ.

Each platform has its own set of features and benefits to meet different needs—from the budget-conscious to those seeking advanced design and reporting capabilities. Let’s dive in to find out which platform best fits your needs.

Table of Contents:


MailerLite website

MailerLite shines as an email marketing platform due to its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing. It’s an ideal choice for businesses on a budget, offering a range of features including:

Budget-Friendly Pricing: Small to medium-sized cannabis businesses can keep their expenses in check while maintaining effective email marketing campaigns with MailerLite’s cost-effective plans.

User-Friendly Interface: MailerLite’s platform is easy to use, ensuring that users with limited technical expertise can still create and send professional emails.

Automation Capabilities: MailerLite lets you set up automated workflows such as drip campaigns and welcome series, which engage your audience at various stages of their customer journey.

Segmentation and Personalization: With MailerLite, you can segment your subscriber lists based on various criteria and personalize emails to target different customer segments.


Klaviyo website

Klaviyo is a comprehensive email marketing platform that offers more than just basic functionalities. It stands out with its advanced design and reporting capabilities, helping businesses craft visually appealing emails and gain valuable insights.

Klaviyo features include:

Elevated Design Capabilities: Klaviyo’s customizable templates and drag-and-drop editor enable the creation of visually stunning emails that mirror your brand’s aesthetics.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates with Klaviyo to measure the success of your campaigns and gain actionable insights.

Segmentation and Personalization: Like MailerLite, Klaviyo offers robust segmentation and personalization options for targeting specific customer segments.

E-commerce Integration: Integration with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce is seamless with Klaviyo, enabling the creation of personalized experiences based on purchase behavior.

Alpine IQ

Alpine IQ website
Alpine IQ

Alpine IQ is a full-fledged CRM platform that goes beyond email marketing, offering the potential for future expansion into other channels. Designed specifically for the cannabis industry, it provides comprehensive customer relationship management tools.

Alpine IQ’s key features are:

Full CRM Capabilities: Alpine IQ integrates email marketing with customer relationship management, enabling you to manage customer interactions, track sales, and analyze customer data all in one place.

Scalability and Expansion: With Alpine IQ, you can expand beyond email marketing to incorporate other communication channels such as SMS marketing and loyalty programs as your business grows.

Compliance and Regulation Support: Alpine IQ helps businesses navigate the unique regulatory landscape of the cannabis industry, providing features that maintain compliance with local laws and regulations.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Alpine IQ offers in-depth analytics and reporting features to track customer behavior, measure the success of email campaigns, and guide data-driven marketing decisions.


Choosing the right email marketing platform is a pivotal decision for cannabis businesses looking to effectively engage their audience and spur growth. MailerLite, Klaviyo, and Alpine IQ each bring their own unique features and benefits to cater to different needs and budgets.

If you’re budget-conscious, MailerLite offers a user-friendly, cost-effective solution. For those seeking advanced design and reporting, Klaviyo makes an excellent choice. If you’re looking for a full CRM platform with room for future expansion, consider Alpine IQ.

By carefully evaluating your specific needs and resources, you can choose the platform that best aligns with your goals, unlocking the full potential of your cannabis email marketing campaigns.

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